Tag Archives: jervis cottonbelly chikara

As the Lobbying Legislators continue their relentless pursuit of a dry America, two of Olde Wrestling’s protagonists will attempt to thwart the evil practices and misconduct. A first time meeting will take place as Old Fashioned teams up to take …


The infamous Columbus Cruncher, who’s identity was constantly debated, was indeed revealed at ‘Another Extravaganza,’ and we’ll tell you it’s someone we never expected!

‘Another Extravaganza’ will be available on DVD to order on 11/24/14. Please visit oldewrestling.com/store to purchase …

Jervis Cottonbelly without question is the most well known gentleman in professional wrestling. A consummate professional and enchanting chap, Mr. Cottonbelly takes pride in the sportsmanship he displays inside the squared circle. The Extravaganza will certainly have it’s fair share …
